Watch Avatar Airbender


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Aang, the last Airbender, is also the long lost Avatar. It’s up to Katara and Sokka to help Aang face his destiny and save the tribe. About Avatar. Apr 4, 2018 - True fans of Avatar: The Last Airbender and Legend of Korra will bring these shows up any chance they get. Hell, it's been years and I'm still. How to download skidrow games. Avatar The Last Airbender Episode 9. The Waterbending Scroll 29 April 2005. Avatar The Last Airbender Episode 10. Jet 6 May 2005. Naruto shippuden subbed and dubbed. Avatar The Last Airbender Episode 11. The Great Divide 20 May 2005. Avatar The Last Airbender Episode 12. The Storm 3 June 2005. Avatar The Last Airbender Episode 13. The Blue Spirit 17 June 2005. Avatar The Last.

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One of the Best Shows on TV for Adults or Children

Excellent show that depicts children that act like real children who argue, make mistakes, and sometimes need turn to wise adults for guidance and advice. Deep epic themes and plots that an adult can appreciate but a child can also enjoy. Some themes based on Eastern philosophy but through a distinctly American lens. Better than almost any other science fiction or fantasy show on TV today, even for adults.

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Great family show

My husband and I enjoy the shows as much as our two boys, 6 and 8. The story and character develop are well above average for a children's show. There are many 'teaching' moments in each episode. The adults characters are respected and there are consequences for negative behaviors by the younger characters. Overall the brightest spot in the Nick line up.

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Great fun for the whole family

Let me start with the characters, Aang is a happy go lucky boy who is both obedient and forgiving, two things all children should be. He's not perfect, he can be lustful, but he learns and grows and strives to be the best Aang he can be. Katara struggles with forgiveness but overcomes her sin to become a strong yet respecful girl. Sokka at first is meat obsessed and rude but learns to control his mouth and stomach and become a true warrior. Toph runs away and rebels, but faces the consequences and learns her lesson, really growing as a person, and last, we have the character who actually repents and turns from his past behavior, Zuko. Zuko at first appears to be a rude and disrespectful boy with a lust for attention*coughkorracough* and earns the distrust of everyone. But as the show progresses, we see that zukos bark is shown to be way worse than his bite, and his softer, sweeter side surfaces as he begins to question his morals, ultimately leading to full repentance and forgiveness, something everyone should be doing, admitting when they are wrong and striving to be the best person they can be. The non stop thrills, action packed chases, and tasteful romance make this series a fun ride that anyone can get on and enjoy. I highly recommend it.

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Trememndous epic storyline. Humorous. Excellent themes.

Watch avatar airbender movie
As a parent who refuses to let my children watch the likes of Pokemon and DragonballZ, I was weary of Avatar during the promo period. After watching it with my boys, it was obvious that this is an intelligent and interesting program. It reminds me of the epic 'Star Blazers' I watched as a child. I have no reservations at all in letting my 5 and 7 year old watch it.Tremendous themes on right and wrong, without throwing it in your face. The show respects the often overlooked ability of a child's ability to grasp subtlety. Very good animation. Very good sound. I am impressed on how it looks our HD widescreen and the audio system.

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Avatar the last Airbender is not for little kids

i think Avatar the last Airbender is a amazing show but its not for little kids because the main plot is a about a war and genocide that happend its very dark and very vilonte a forest wants to add Aaang to his collection of souls a guy burns his son in the face with a torch a guy wants to kill all the fire nation by wiping them out with a giant flood and it has some edgy adult jokes a character is seen trying to moon someone and a giant drill is scene that squirts out goo and a character says its coming with that being said i think Avatar the last Airbender is for young teens and i dont reccomend it for anyone under the age of 13

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This has got to be one of the best Nickelodeon shows ever!

I just love that show with a burning passion! Why? Because it was a Nickelodeon anime! Yeah, I love anime so much because of unique animation! And I love how great the messages and role models are. I watched this when it premiered in Nickelodeon! When I watch the trailer, I'm so excited for the show! I would let a 5 year old kid watch this awesome Nickelodeon programme but the show itself can have a lot of violence but not as violent as Attack on Titan, even though I like Attack on Titan. It was way better than other crappy shows like Winx Club, Kuu Kuu Harajuku and Little Charmers! But I'm freaking sad it got cancelled in 2008! But it was replaced by Legend of Korra, which is another Nickelodeon anime!

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Probably one of the best fantasy series aimed at younger audiences.

Avatar has always stood out compared to other action series' aimed at kids because of it's great writing. However, a big part of what makes the story work so well is how it tends to get slightly more mature than most cartoons would. There's nothing expressly inappropriate or adult, but there are some scary or sad moments which could be a touch to far for really little kids.Violence: The show has a heavy focus on martial arts and magic, leading to numerous fight scenes and conflicts. Most of these altercations are pretty tame, but there are a couple moments of actual violence. On rare occasion a character will get burned by fire magic, which is usually portrayed as just their skin turning red or black. Despite this unrealistic depiction of the injury, the characters still show distinct signs of pain. Swords and other medieval weapons are used frequently but never make contact. Some battles include characters getting punched or hit with flying rocks. Another rare but still present theme is death which, is referenced frequently and sometimes shown. The story is set during a time of war, so of course there is some talk of the grim subject; but there are some actual character deaths as well; most of them not being shown, but heavily implied, and treated very seriously. The most shocking moment in the series is the actual reason why the main character is referred to as 'The last' of his kind. The show actually explains that his people were victims of a genocide, and that their entire populace was exterminated by an Imperialist force. If this weren't upsetting enough there's a scene where the sole survivor of these people stumbles across the skeleton of his father figure; and reacts pretty much the way you would expect. Positive Themes and messages: Strong themes of forgiveness, friendship, and nonviolence. Being modeled after a Buddhist monk, the main character strives to avoid violence, and makes sure to never kill or seriously hurt his enemies, other story arcs revolve around the value of human life, even those on the wrong side of a war. Several 'evil' characters are portrayed as being good at heart, but were just born in the wrong place, and fighting on the wrong side because of it.

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A gem

Surprisingly complex characters, intriguing setting and lore, creative set-pieces. Plenty of action and (bloodless, non-graphic) fighting; some scary moments involving monsters. A few sad, dramatic scenes but overall lighthearted tone and positive messages about honor, reponsibility, forgiveness and redemption. Recommended age: 8+.

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Avatar the last air bender

I'm 50 years old. One of the greatest cartoons of all. It teaches alot of life lessons to discuss with your kids, and afterwards ask them why they made those choices. Not many good things anymore period. But loved the series. Always enjoyable to watch. Thanks for your time

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Nothing can compare

The one you can watch over and over and not have to worry about it lacking creativity or morals. Heart and Soul was poured into this and even the weirdest episodes are stunning.

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Still my favorite show

I remember seeing the commercials for it as a kid and watching the premiere of the first season. I have loved avatar since I was 9 years old and it is still my favorite show. I have watch every episode 10+ times over the years, from when I was 9 to now at 22. This show teaches kids to be better human beings. It makes you question your black and white view of the world, of good and bad or right and wrong. It teaches you that everyone is capable of good and evil, and that those concepts are not a dichotomy, but so much more complex. I remember being a kid and realizing that the bad guys (in this show the fire nation) weren’t just a faceless group of terrible monsters, but human beings with complex thoughts and emotions. And the good guys, like the earth benders and waterbenders, arent all great amazing people. Some are still capable of great cruelty and savagery. It also addresses things like propaganda, sexism, culture, respect for nature, spiritualism, reincarnation, and destiny. It is truely a remarkable show and it is packaged in a way that is appropriate for kids and easy for kids to understand. There are some adult references, (like most kids shows and movies) that I didn’t understand as a kid and I don’t think most kids will. I recommend this show to everyone who will listen. I think everyone should watch it for all of the valuable lessons it teaches.

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Caution is advised . . .

I found that I have enjoyed this and it actually has good role modeling however it does overdo the violence and brother-sisters being cruel to each other Zuko fighting Azula . . .I think the romance is over done as always and younger kids aren't likely to be ready for this so IT IS OVERATED IN THE END but if you have older kids this might fill the bill and it does lead to some good discussions-which are important-and I have seen better role models but it's fine otherwise.

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Violence & scariness

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great stuff here

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Avatar the last Airbender is not for little kids

i think Avatar the last Airbender is a amazing show but its not for little kids because the main plot is a about a war and genocide that happend its very dark and very vilonte a forest wants to add Aaang to his collection of souls a guy burns his son in the face with a torch a guy wants to kill all the fire nation by wiping them out with a giant flood and it has some edgy adult jokes a character is seen trying to moon someone and a giant drill is scene that squirts out goo and a character says its coming with that being said i think Avatar the last Airbender is for young teens and i dont reccomend it for anyone under the age of 13

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This show revolve a young avatar going on adventures and train.The avatar is awesome.

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Honestly some of the best TV you'll watch

This show is great for kids. It's visually pleasing and fun, with cute animal characters and lots of kid humour. The characters are interesting and relatable. There are many great messages about feminism, discipline, non-violence that you can talk about with your kids. BUT it's so watchable for adults too! The world-building and character development is right up there with your favourite cable fantasy drama epics. You, as parents, will be hooked. You'll binge-watch more after the kids go to bed. Watch this immediately; you're welcome.

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Best Animation series. Very Educated, Funny, Romantic.

This Cartoon is very good to watch 8+ children . Because. They Thought many things. It Has very deep Love stories. They Thought us why Family important us.

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